"Our mission is to exceed patients' expectations by combining art and science to provide complete world class esthetic dentistry."

Second Opinion?

Feel Confident About Your Choices

We have all heard of getting a second opinion when it comes to a medical diagnosis or any other advice. This principle also applies to dentistry. Second opinions are vital because different dentists view dentistry in different ways - some are conservative and only do what is absolutely necessary and some are proactive and treat at the slightest hint of a problem. We at Dazzling Dentistry strike a balance between health, esthetics, function and cost. For us, You the Patient are at the Center of Everything We Do, it is that simple.

Do you know how your dentist views dentistry?

We at Dazzling Dentistry view dentistry in the scope of "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". We believe that small issues usually grow into larger issues if left untreated. Problems also have a tendency to have a root cause as to why they develop. Our approach is to identify those root causes and address them as part of your individualized treatment. Contrary to most standard dentistry, we insist on healthy gums, then healthy teeth, perfect function, and finally beauty. Bioclear® method allows us to retain and treat existing tooth structure whenever possible, avoiding bone loss and the need for implants, in the long run.

So if you:

  1. Are not sure your treatment plans are necessary, and/or you did not get an adequate explanation of why you need this proposal for treatment
  2. Are still experiencing lingering questions/issues such as:
    • They did not listen to my complaints, I was not heard
    • They did not examine my gums or talk about gum health
    • They are proposing a lot of new crowns and bridges
    • They did not offer implants as an option
    • You are experiencing new symptoms like headaches and clicking in your jaw
  3. Experiencing new symptoms like headaches and clicking in your jaw
  4. Think your treatment plan is too expensive or too inexpensive
  5. Think your treatment plan does not use the best materials
  6. Are replacing dental work that has been completed within the last few years

We invite you to visit our office and receive a second opinion.

How is a second opinion different from a new patient experience?

An initial patient evaluation and a second opinion are very similar in that they both provide a comprehensive multistep overview of your oral health. The difference is that you probably have already invested in some diagnostic tools such as x-rays, thus these costs should not be incurred over again. That is if the ones you present to us are of good diagnostic quality. Please be aware that if the diagnostic tools we receive are not usable, additional charges may apply.

Benefits of a second opinion:

  1. Addressing the underlying causes of dental issues
  2. Confirmation or denial of dental diagnosis
  3. Provides increased confidence in your choices of treatment
  4. Offering treatments that preserve tooth structure yet provide for resolution of dental issues
  5. Potentially offering less expensive dental treatments
  6. Potentially providing additional information in assisting you make the right choices for you

We invite you to call our office or press the tab below to request an appointment and change your life!

"A penny saved is a penny earned." - Ben Franklin